Monday, October 11, 2010

week of: 9/29/2010

David and I met to record a few records, and adjust the parameters of each system. An immediate observation is that the fixed output of the Steelhead (the preamp from the more expensive system) is much louder than the output of the Jazz Club and Elevator EXP (less expensive preamp+step-up amplifier). As the number of possible parameters to tweak on the Jazz Club and Elevator EXP combination was limited to resistance and capacitance settings (which are going to be held fixed due to the cartridge manual specifications), we have outlined 2 potential adjustments:
  1. use the fixed out of the Jazz Club and Elevator EXP combination as the reference level for the volume setting using the variable out of the Steelhead.
  2. attach the volume knob to the output of the Jazz Club so that each of the systems have variable output. Following this step, perform a group of experts tests to determine the most agreed-upon volume level for the listening tests.
Clearly the first option is easier, and reduces the complexity of our task; in addition, we will not be adding non-preamplifier components which may potentially color our sound. Alternatively, the use of the variable out on the Steelhead can be justified, as it is a part of the Steelhead's architecture.

Repaired links on MAQ site in recording section here, and changed categories from Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop to Classical, Jazz, and Contemporary.

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